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How'd it start?

Dice and Dungeons started when a group of family and friends wanted to play D&D together while under COVID lockdown. As it happens, the equipment that we purchased to play remotely is what you need to make a streaming show – so that’s what we did!

What do we do?

Obviously, we have an ongoing D&D campaign, but that’s not all we do. We wanted to use minis in our battles and Greg wanted an excuse to get back into model building and painting. So we stream him doing that too, it’s very relaxing.

Where can you watch?

Our D&D campaign airs on Twitch, Sundays at 2PM Eastern time.

Greg does his painting stream Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starring at 10AM Eastern on the same Twitch channel- DiceNDungeons.

We also upload the latest episodes of the campaign and the painting stream to YouTube, so check that out as well if you miss a broadcast.

A picture of our D and D stream and podcast

who we are

Former Cast

David Schultz