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Alexis Bates

Episode 117: Graz Dun Balim

It’s a phrase ulseth has said for months now, to just about anyone he can, might it finally have some more meaning to it?

Episode 112: Still More Troubles

Now that it’s clear there are several parties interested in the demise of Midnight Brunch, the party is even more worn out than before. Deadly adversaries pursue them more than ever before. At this point, what else could go wrong?

Episode 111: Liquid Death

After their arrival in Allyradyll, MIdnight Brunch was greeted by assassins. The fight was close, but they emerged victorious, but their foes are numerous…

Starting to Paint a Goose Bard!

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we are making a goose bard. Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala:

Making a Flying Lizard Dragon Thing Mini?!

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we are making a winged serpent. Paint and ramble! Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala: