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Alexis Bates

Episode 95: Altogether Darker

Deeper into the sewers and Midnight Brunch instantly feels ill at ease. Everything is truly off with this space and something needs to be done about it before something horrifying happens to the whole city.

Episode 93: Spinning Circles

The group finds a trove of strange boxes, sealed with powerful magic, but they think they have a way to open them. What awaits them is worse than they imagined…

Episode 91: Stay Alive And Recover

A devastating fight, one that claimed the life of a city worker, left Midnight Brunch in desperate need of rest and recovery. But can they afford the time?

Episode 90: A Dangerous Step

Pressing on, further into the sewers, Midnight Brunch seems to be causing some real concern for the cultists as they take a bold step into the open.

How to Paint D&D Demons – Imp-tastic

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we are making imps. Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala:

Painting Up a D&D Demon – Starting the Bone Devil

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we are making a bone devil. Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala: