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Alexis Bates

Making and Finishing our DnD Beholder Miniature!

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole works on a beholder miniature! Beholder miniature design by Lord of the Print:

Making a Vicious D&D Beholder Miniature!

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole works on a beholder miniature! Beholder miniature design by Lord of the Print:

Episode 78: Refined Tastes

Taking some more time to settle into the city, Midnight Brunch inspects what could be their future home more closely, and meet a troublesome neighbor.

Episode 77: Arrival

Midnight Brunch is in a new city and they need to get their bearnings. More importantly, they need to figure out the food scene…

Making Deadly Bandit Minis for DnD

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we have some vicious bandit leaders. Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala:

Making a Fancy Fire Wizard for D&D

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting some set pieces from our 3D Printers. Here we have a suave fire wizard. Model designs courtesy of Miguel Zavala: