Episode 41: Teamwork and Knots
After discovering a network of changeling communication crystals, the party sets about solving the rest of the city’s puzzles and they do so with an old friend… rope.
After discovering a network of changeling communication crystals, the party sets about solving the rest of the city’s puzzles and they do so with an old friend… rope.
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole and Greg work on painting a variety of pieces as we continue to prototype our designs and prints. We’re opening a store soon, so we want them to be amazing!… Read More »We Make A Disgusting Slime Pool… Like Normal People
The Witch Queen is almost here! As we prep to face Savathun, we’re trying to wrap up our Season of the Lost Challenges and we were pushing rep in Gambit. We mostly did well, but not always. As the old… Read More »Destiny 2 – We Punish (and Get Punished) In Gambit
The Witch Queen is almost here and we dive into the final story mission for season 15 of Destiny 2, Season of the Lost. We also push to reset our crucible rank one more time for the seasonal achievement… in… Read More »Destiny 2 – Iron Banner Slog (Technically, We Are Better)
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole and Greg work on painting the Tavern tile set for our upcoming store! During the stream, they not only glue the pieces together, but they paint the set as well.… Read More »How We Make A Colorful Tavern For Our Upcoming Store
In the second part of the Valentine’s Day Special (Narrator: it still wasn’t special), after Lexi and Nichole did the entire Valentiones (yeah, that’s the in game name) quest chain, they still needed to fill another 2 hours or so… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV – Mired in a Cut Scene Nightmare
In a Valentine’s Day Special (Narrator: it wasn’t special), Lexi and Nichole did the entire Valentiones (yeah, that’s the in game name) quest chain. They planned a whole stream around it and then it was basically 40 minutes of running… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV – Valentines Is Just Running Around For 40 Minutes
As they reveal more of the city, recovering some lost history of these ancient changelings, Xoria learns that there are more changelings that made it through, and they are all over the world.
We want to reach the end of PvP ranks for all the goodies you get, so we made a push for it and… we actually did kinda ok. Lexi even thought that maybe she was getting her PvP legs back.… Read More »Destiny 2 – Crashing the Crucible (It wasn’t a total fail!)
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole and Greg work on painting the Necromancer Crypt set for our upcoming Etsy store! Before starting the stream, they glued and primed all the pieces. To see how pieces are… Read More »How we Make the Scary Necromancer Crypt for Etsy