Destiny 2 – That Many Strikes Will Make You Eat Marshmallows
Boosted Vanguard rep means tons of Strikes this week! We PUSHED to reset our rep and ate WAY TOO MANY MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!!!
Boosted Vanguard rep means tons of Strikes this week! We PUSHED to reset our rep and ate WAY TOO MANY MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!!!
After hitting level 50, Lexi and Nichole decided to pick up some new classes and now they have to learn how to play them. Nichole picked up Samurai pretty quick and, surprisingly, so did Alexis!
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole and Greg work on painting the Magic Shop set for our upcoming Etsy store! They had previously glued and primed all the pieces. You can learn how they glued them… Read More »How we Made the Stunning Magic Shop for Etsy
We’re back at FF XIV Nichole does not want to be a tank for a raid, so we ground our way to level 50 and then she picked up the Samurai class and Lexi picked up the Red Mage class.… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV Streaming – New Classes levels 49-50
The party learns a brutal lesson through combat and learns more about what these ancient changelings beleived in.
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, both Nichole and Greg worked on assembling the first set for our upcoming Etsy store, which is a Magic Shop set! They glued all the piece together after priming them and… Read More »Relaxing Painting: How We Make Beautiful Sets for our Etsy Store
We sat down to play some fun and fast Nightfalls but when we tried some Gambit…well, the router decided to bring the night to a sudden close. Fill the bars!
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole works on a model of a tree that was originally intended for flocking and turned it into a giant mushroom! Greg works on some more campfires and tree stumps in… Read More »Relaxing Painting: How to Make a Weird Mushroom Come to Life with Paint
We’re back at FF XIV and Lexi committed Spriggan murder! There’s also us taking on Garuda and making up facts about FF XIV lore.
We’re back at FF XIV and we killed The Behemoth and got the achievement… accidentally! We also chatted about Final Fantasy and Lexi revealed how tragically little she really knows about this franchise of games. It’s basically just Blitzball and… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV Streaming – Oops! Got a rare Achievement Levels 43 – 45