Final Fantasy XIV Streaming – Leveling 33-37 (Meet Quest WHALE!)
We’re back at FF XIV and we’ve got mounts! But not just any mounts we have…QUEST WHALE!
We’re back at FF XIV and we’ve got mounts! But not just any mounts we have…QUEST WHALE!
We’re back at FF XIV and we’re progressing in our level and moving fairly quickly along the MSQ. Most importantly though…WE GOT MOUNTS! Seriously, that’s the only thing that matters lol!
We’re back in FF XIV and we have another MSQ push and gain seven levels in just a few hours! We’re so close to getting mounts, we can taste it… and it tastes like chicken… because they’re Chocobos…
We’re back in FF XIV and we’re pushing through the main story and Lexi continues to pull Nichole into a whole bunch of Fates. Not a whole lot of levels gained, but a lot of story content pushed through.
Second time playing FF XIV, well the second time in the game doing more than creating the characters. We continue to push the MSQ and leveling, gaining another 7 levels in a single session, but we have played the game… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV Stream – Leveling 15-22 (Really Want Mounts)
Second adventure into the game and we go from level 1 to level 15 in a single session! It’s just like a bad mobile game ad!
We’re starting new characters on a new server in FF XIV. This was a short session because we ran into some issues with finding space on a server. But we thought you might want to see the characters we made!… Read More »Final Fantasy XIV Stream – Character Creation
In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Nichole and Greg continue to paint some of the Cut Stone Dungeon tile set. This time, Nichole does a production line style of work with the floor and wall pieces while… Read More »Relaxing Painting: Production Line and More Little Details in the New Set
We’re trying to catch up on a lot of the content we’ve missed in the last two years, so that’s taken us to the Moon! We are finally experiencing some of the truly great content that was released before the… Read More »Destiny 2 Streaming – To the Moon and old content!
With The Dawning having come to a close, the Iron Banner is upon us. The monthly PvP event takes Light Level into account, unlike most of the PvP modes in Destiny 2. Nichole and Alexis have just rejoined the game… Read More »Destiny 2 Streaming – New Year, New Fails. Now with more Crucible!