Episode 117: Graz Dun Balim
It’s a phrase ulseth has said for months now, to just about anyone he can, might it finally have some more meaning to it? https://youtu.be/BE3eKnR-hu8
It’s a phrase ulseth has said for months now, to just about anyone he can, might it finally have some more meaning to it? https://youtu.be/BE3eKnR-hu8
Now inside the Tashir-anun stronghold, Midnight Brunch, predictably, decides to get up to some hijinx on their way out. https://youtu.be/uGIhlYoVBCc
The group learns more about what – EXACTLY – they did the night before. This leads them to someplace quite dangerous. https://youtu.be/7kOoXAkZNtM
Perhaps Midnight Brunch took it too far during their night out. The following morning Prael showed them all a wanted sign with their faces on it. Slightly disturbed by what their actions could have been, they set out to discover… Read More »Episode 114: What Happened
A string of battles behind them, dodging death several times, MIdnight Brunch finally arrives in the city of Allyradyll. Tense and weary, they decide to begin enacting their plans by blowing off a little steam. See them like you’ve never… Read More »Episode 113: Finally Inside
Now that it’s clear there are several parties interested in the demise of Midnight Brunch, the party is even more worn out than before. Deadly adversaries pursue them more than ever before. At this point, what else could go wrong?… Read More »Episode 112: Still More Troubles
After their arrival in Allyradyll, MIdnight Brunch was greeted by assassins. The fight was close, but they emerged victorious, but their foes are numerous… https://youtu.be/CDMpfza6Suk
Freshly arrived outside of the Costyrian capital, Allyradyll, MIdnight Brunch holds down the campsite while others in their group head off on a reconnaissance mission in the city. But their secret mission might already be found out… https://youtu.be/Tw6hnuZ5Pn4
One more day in Halscomb results in quite find for ulseth and we learn the ultimate weakness of our heroes! https://youtu.be/tr4BQ3sbs4s
Nines and company hold up their duty and book their first gig, resulting in Nines creating his own very complex band structure and Hlwynn becoming ever more his manager. https://youtu.be/FQb2IpYVy7M