Episode 107: New Coworkers
Powerful magics take Midnight Brunch far across the continent as they begin to cross Costyria on their way to The Free States. https://youtu.be/MSXI4v_158U
Powerful magics take Midnight Brunch far across the continent as they begin to cross Costyria on their way to The Free States. https://youtu.be/MSXI4v_158U
As they conclude their last bits of business in the capital, Midnight Brunch can’t avoid being roped into one last power play. https://youtu.be/T5g-7J5oudE
Charged with a new and, weirdly, extremely important mission, Midnight Brunch start wraping up some loose ends in the city of Drogmara. https://youtu.be/Ppzvadb5pqc
Midnight Brunch has found themselves as agents working to quell international tensions and possibly avert war. Will they still have time for breakfast? https://youtu.be/0JmfkV4i4p8
Can one epic performance change the world? Probably not. Can it change one badger? Maybe… https://youtu.be/hFh-IbWeKck
Urged on by the diety Samyrn, Nines learns that his prediciment was caused by divine power and he needs to focus on his passion for his art if he wants to overcome it. https://youtu.be/ZKrcOIQv2FA
That was a dirty trick is perhaps the understatement of the year. If you didn’t hate The Voice already (no, not the TV show), you probably do now. https://youtu.be/o205VF_us8g
Nines and Midnight Brunch face a real dilema – to put it mildly. Don’t worry though, he’s sure to live a long and comfortable life. https://youtu.be/7R8KbTjC2P0
Midnight Brunch ran from death, saved the city, and rescued the heir to the Glindrengan throne. Their unexpected reward was the reuinion with an old friend and a powerful new ally. https://youtu.be/wn6dyTru0tc
A fate of death, or worse, may have been avoided, but Midnight Brunch may still be crushed as the sewers collapse around them. https://youtu.be/0KzKr5IjPnY