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Episode 86: Hot Pursuit

Midnight Brunch chases down their best lead to find the cultists, but did they rush headlong into more trouble than they can handle?

Episode 85: Getting Closer

Midnight Brunch gains critical new information on the disappearances and now an old friend can be counted among them.

Episode 84: Unexpected Friends

Fodari Pilm and her friends may be the keys to ending the disappearances but they aren’t the only ones willing to help…

Episode 82: Enchanted Knowledge

Following their stint as entertainers, Midnight Brunch takes needs to get some more money or risking losing their estate.

Episode 80: Cleaning Up The Mess

Midnight Brunch sets to cleaning the plot of land that they are hoping to retain, but they’ve got a lot to do if they want to keep it.

Episode 79: Bureaucracy

Midnight Brunch has a laundry list of tasks they’ve been waiting to get to in the city of Drogmara. They also have to work through the red tape of a large city.

Episode 78: Refined Tastes

Taking some more time to settle into the city, Midnight Brunch inspects what could be their future home more closely, and meet a troublesome neighbor.

Episode 77: Arrival

Midnight Brunch is in a new city and they need to get their bearnings. More importantly, they need to figure out the food scene…