Episode 78: Refined Tastes
Taking some more time to settle into the city, Midnight Brunch inspects what could be their future home more closely, and meet a troublesome neighbor.
Taking some more time to settle into the city, Midnight Brunch inspects what could be their future home more closely, and meet a troublesome neighbor.
Midnight Brunch is in a new city and they need to get their bearnings. More importantly, they need to figure out the food scene…
Midnight Brunch sails further down the river and finally arrives in Drogmara.
Midnight Brunch need to repair the damage done to the ship follow the attack, which calls for an unexpected layover.
Midnight Brunch set out on the Lake Express 3, making their way to the capital city of Drogmara.
Midnight Brunch get caught in the woods with Commander Sol-ath as they attempt to route a dangerous group of enemies.
Midnight Brunch get caught in the woods with Commander Sol-ath as they attempt to route a dangerous group of enemies.
Midnight Brunch helps someone get a literal second chance at life and heads out with Commander Sol-ath on patrol.
Midnight Brunch ties up a few loose ends in the city of Kaerholm and then encounters the biggest loose end yet.
Midnight Brunch tries to relax for a day in Kaerholm, but instead winds up in a series of fetch quests.