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DnD 5E

Lvl 5 Character Mini!

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting the new level 5 character mini for his character ulseth!

Episode 55: The Stage is Set

The heist is coming together but the plan is becoming more complex. As the difficulty increases, can Midnight Brunch keep it together?

Episode 54: The Story is Written

Now deep into the heist planning, Midnight Brunch pushes on with their plans. But will their plan fall apart before it begins?

Episode 53: Strange Bedfellows

Having been re-introduced to Coromanth, Midnight Brunch teams up with him to stage a heist from the Voice.

The Final Lizard

In this episode of Dice and Dungeon’s Relaxing Painting, Greg is painting the last of our lizard league minis.